NAPS can work with script files. The script file names must include the extension .naps. -- CALL myscriptfile -- SET IDENT Changes the default NAPS identification of the final result file (for SIR format outputs only) -- ENA/DISA CAL Enables/disables the K-Jy calibration. -- ENA/DISA EFFI Takes into account (def.) or not the radiotelescope efficiency variation on declination in the calibra tion calculus. -- DISA EFFI -- ENA/DISA TABCAL Prints the attenuation and Noise Diode values used by PROC SCAN -- ENA/DISA RHO Prints the rho(0) (first point of the autocorrelation function) values used by PROC SCAN. -- DUMP FREQ Prints the receiver's frequency setups. -- ENA/DISA FREQ Writes in addition the spectra with FREQuency axis (usefull for SIR format outputs) in the same SIR result files. Example of a .configdep file. (one line only !) /data1/theureau/TEST/ /usr/users/martin/jmm/sir/resultat/def/ /usr/users/martin/sir/sorties/ /ps /ps /usr/users/martin/jmm/fitsdata/ This file can be edited with a standard editor, or with the FIP tool.