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Integration and creation of final spectra (FITS files & result files)

-- INTE           Averages cycles  (possibly after PROC SCAN) + display
-- INTE2D         Averages cycles using the 2D cleaning algorithm+disp.
-- SAVE           INTE + creation of a disk file (FITS or SIR format)
-- SAVE2D         INTE2D + creation of a disk file (FITS or SIR format)
-- SAVEINTE       Saves each integration on disk (FITS or SIR format)
                  (Be careful : you may create hundreds of disk files!) 
-- GO             Next scan
---- .... output fits format : ---- SET DIRFITS fitspath/ override the FITS default path (see .configdep) ---- SET RESULT FITS spectra will be saved in FITS format ---- .... output Nancay specific format : ---- SET DIRSIR sirpath/ default path ---- SET RESULT SIR spectra will be saved in SIR format

P. Colom, J-M. Martin - July 15, 2002